sobota, 8 czerwca 2013

A bike!

Day 31

A bike!

A big day as I was allowed to get on an exercise bike. Only a few minutes of cycling and so much joy. As for now I can't run so a bike will constitute a great oxygen training for the following weeks.
Good news is that I will not have to commute to Cracow for my rehabilitation sessions every day. Since next week a part of those sessions will be completed in Tarnow.

The most important piece of news - from Monday on I return to my regular training :) of course under a watchful eye of a medical-rehabilitation-coaching group who will consult with one another all the crucial issues concerning my return to championship form.

Day 30

I have received the first rehabilitation plan to be completed at home. It consists of two training sections including lifting a leg with weights, bending with resistance, proper walk technique acquisition and my favourite one – proprioception / joint positon sense. The latter is about standing on one leg with your eyes closed and keeping your balance.

What is more, I was given some strategy for performing standard exercises so as not to strain my knee too much. I am handling my training step by step without unnecessary hurry.

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